
Engineering Project Case Studies | Erdman Anthony

2015 Preventive Maintenance

The City of Rochester, NY, initiated a $3.2 million Locally Administered Federal Aid Project (LAFAP) in 2015 to rehabilitate pavement along five densely traveled streets: East Avenue, University Avenue (two sections), North Winton Road, South Winton Road, and Portland Avenue. The project included development of striping plans and specifications to support the pavement rehabilitation along these city streets.

Erdman Anthony provided a full range of services, including preliminary and final design, construction support, and construction inspection. Preliminary design activities involved preparation of an Initial Project Proposal/Final Design Report to attain design authorization from NYSDOT. The IPP/FDR included traffic data, project limits, safety screenings, an environmental assessment, a smart-growth assessment, a project-significance checklist, a Federal Environmental Approvals Worksheet (FEAW), and a Pavement Evaluation and Treatment Selection Report (PETSR).

A NYSDOT highway work permit was also prepared to accommodate lane closures on I-490 to facilitate ramp closures for night paving along University Avenue.

Final design activities included development of project plans encompassing typical sections, striping plans, work-zone traffic-control details, cost estimates, and specifications. The neighborhoods along these streets were enhanced by traffic-signal loop replacements, curbing resets, drainage-structure adjustments, sign upgrades, and sidewalk/sidewalk ramp improvements.

Complete Streets design, a law requiring state, county, and local agencies to consider the convenience and mobility of all users when developing transportation projects that receive state and federal funding, was incorporated into the project to provide adequate space for moving vehicles, parked cars, and bicycles.

William McCormick, PE
William McCormick, PE
 585-427-8888 x 1080