

Engineering Services | Erdman Anthony

Water and Sewer Engineering

A reliable source of drinking water is vital to every community. At the same time, efficiently transporting wastewater is the objective of every municipality.

Aging water-and-sewer systems represent a challenge. The experts at Erdman Anthony provide a wide variety of solutions to overcome this challenge.

Erdman Anthony has over 60 years of experience in developing solutions to your most complex water and sewer-conveyance issues. Large-diameter pipes, neighborhood collection and distribution systems, green design—Our firm has done it all and can do it again for you.

Allegany State Park’s Red House Area: Sanitary Sewer System Rehabilitation Providing services that help keep waterways clear in southwestern New York State


South Florida is home to millions of people and a one of the world’s most important wetlands. Find out how this spillway and our solutions help protect the Everglades and preserve a fresh water supply.


Rehabilitating the joints along 11,000 feet of large diameter pipe water mains is a big job. Find out how our solutions help keep potable water flowing and support fire protection in this community..


Coastal communities face many challenges. Find out how our utility and highway designs are helping protect this community from flooding and improving the quality of the stormwater drainage.


Historic neighborhoods require expertise in sewer repairs with site constraints. Find out how our solutions were cost-effective, minimally disruptive, and are destined to provide decades of reliable service.