
Engineering Project Case Studies | Erdman Anthony

New Construction Program

As an Energy Modeling Partner for the New York State Energy Research and Development Authority’s (NYSERDA) New Construction Program, Erdman Anthony works with program applicants to analyze energy-efficiency opportunities in new or substantially renovated buildings. In this capacity, our firm plays a lead role as an independent third party encouraging building owners, architects, and engineers to choose more energy-efficient and sustainable solutions. 

In cooperation with NYSERDA, our firm has offered technical assistance to over 210 project teams in the form of evaluation of alternative opportunities for improving energy efficiency. The energy-impact feedback provided to project teams is based on energy modeling, simulation of facilities’ operations, and life-cycle cost analyses.

For numerous projects participating in this program, Erdman Anthony also has provided supporting documentation for submission to the U.S. Green Building Council® for LEED® certification.

Examples of energy-saving measures our firm has evaluated and recommended for financial incentives include:

  • High-performance lighting
  • Lighting controls utilizing occupancy sensors and/or photosensors
  • High-efficiency heating, cooling, and water-heating systems
  • Demand-controlled ventilation, variable exhaust
  • Energy recovery systems
  • High-performance roofs, walls, and windows
  • High-efficiency appliances
  • High-performance refrigeration systems
  • Process heat reclaim for domestic water heating
  • Energy-efficient uninterruptible power systems
  • Infrared ice-rink controls
  • High-performance robotic milking equipment
  • Dynamometer energy recovery

Michael St. John, PE, CEM, LEED AP
Michael St. John, PE, CEM, LEED AP
 585-427-8888 x 1054