
Engineering Project Case Studies | Erdman Anthony

Signal and Roadway Improvements

Erdman Anthony provided lighting, signalization, signing and pavement markings for an FDOT safety improvement project on Stirling Road at the I-95 Interchange in Broward County. The six-lane divided urban minor arterial roadway has curbs, gutters, and sidewalks on both sides and a posted speed limit of 45 miles-per-hour.

This section of Stirling Road had been a high-crash segment. A study by FDOT in 2013 identified safety-related issues and recommended countermeasures, including lighting improvements, to address them. New low-height light poles were installed to avoid conflicts with the existing overhead power lines. The pedestrian signals for one of the ramp crossings also were upgraded. 

Nisar Khan, PE, Ph.D., PTOE
Nisar Khan, PE, Ph.D., PTOE
 (561) 753-9723 x 6013