
Engineering Project Case Studies | Erdman Anthony

Complete Streets

This Locally Administered Federal Aid (LAFA) project included the installation of a new sidewalk on the north side of Hector Street and a dedicated, uphill bicycle facility. The corridor serves as one of only two routes that cross the Cayuga Inlet Flood-Control Channel between West Hill and the city center and lacks accommodations for safe mobility and convenient access of pedestrians and bicyclists along the roadway. Erdman Anthony provided a Complete Streets project design that included preliminary design, final design, construction inspection, and construction support services.

The preferred alternative was a five-foot-wide sidewalk with a four to five-foot setback provided for snow storage between the sidewalk and the edge of pavement or curb. Where necessary, due to grading or ROW limitations, a five-foot wide sidewalk with two-foot grass strip adjacent to the curb was provided.

Retaining walls with protective railings at drop-off locations were installed as appropriate. ADA-compliant sidewalk ramps, including detectable warning devices were installed at all side street crossing locations. Sidewalk in need of repair between the 600 block of Hector Street and Floral Avenue was replaced. Structural improvements included construction of a new concrete headwall and rehabilitation of an existing headwall to accommodate space for the new sidewalk.

Roadway improvements included modifications of two horizontal curves along Hector Street to reduce grading impacts to property owner frontages, eliminate the need for a retaining wall, and improve sight distance. Bicycle accommodations include a five-foot on-road bike lane that was installed throughout the project limits. The existing transit accommodations were enhanced with the installation of two new bus stops at Warren Floral Place and Taylor Place.

Robert Schiller, PE, PTOE
Robert Schiller, PE, PTOE
 585-427-8888 x 1097