
Engineering Project Case Studies | Erdman Anthony

Pavement Reconstruction and Streetscape Improvements

West Water Street is a key urban business and entertainment corridor in downtown Elmira, New York. Nearby the project area is an ice arena, a performing arts center, and the Riverfront Park Trail. This Locally Administered Federal Aid (LAFA) project included structural and pedestrian safety improvements.

The City of Elmira selected Erdman Anthony to provide preliminary and final design services, a design report, and construction support and inspection for this Locally Administered Federal Aid (LAFA) project.

The project included pavement reconstruction; new water main, sanitary sewer, lighting, traffic signals, and closed drainage system design; and sidewalk reconstruction along West Water Street, between College Avenue and Carl Proper Drive. Streetscape elements included curb bumpouts, median islands, and various landscape elements to increase safety for pedestrians.

A minimum 5-foot-wide sidewalk with a 4- to 5-foot stamped concrete setback provided for snow storage between the sidewalk and the edge of the pavement or curb. Where necessary, a 5-foot-wide sidewalk with a 2-foot grass strip adjacent to the curb was provided.

The new curb bump-outs, sidewalk curb ramps, and pedestrian signal improvements increased pedestrian safety by reducing the crossing distance, providing pedestrian pushbuttons and countdown timers, and creating an accessible walkway throughout the corridor.

The aesthetic elements of the project provide a pleasant destination for residents and visitors to this riverside area. 

As part of the improvements, adjoining buildings that had basement areaways extending below the new sidewalks were improved. Deteriorated and unused areaways were detailed for abandonment.

Sustainable Design Impact

Trees were added to the corridor to increase the aesthetics of the corridor while the tree pits also collect stormwater that would otherwise connect to the sanitary sewer system.


Award icon
Transportation Project of the Year Award
Central New York Branch of the American Public Works Association (APWA)
Paul Presutti, PE, PTOE
Paul Presutti, PE, PTOE
 585-427-8888 x 1093