
Engineering Project Case Studies | Erdman Anthony

Emergency Generator Replacement and Sprinkler System Modification

Cornell University selected Erdman Anthony to design and replace an emergency generator and interconnect the sprinkler system at Warren Hall with the system at Mann Library, if possible. As a result, our team documented and detailed code path analyses properly for the entire project to get approval from all parties during the design phases, including New York State University Construction Fund, Cornell’s fire marshal, Cornell’s facilities engineers, and Factory Mutual.

The 400-kW diesel emergency generator at Mann Library was at the end of its useful life and needed to be replaced. The new generator system now supports multiple buildings on campus.

Generator load calculations were performed to determine the size of the generators required to serve all the buildings. It was determined that the new emergency generator system needed to have a capacity of 1,600 kW, so parallel 800-kW diesel generators were selected. 

With the size of the generators determined, the new system’s exterior location was coordinated with Cornell’s engineers and architects to determine where it would best serve the multiple buildings while also preserving aesthetics.  

Site coordination was required with existing underground steam, chilled water, gas, electric, telecom, sanitary sewer, and storm sewer utilities to provide underground feeders from the new generator system to Mann Library, Bradfield Hall, and the School of Integrative Plant Science. 

Cornell required that the chosen design professional be well versed in New York State Building Code, New York State Fire Code, the National Electrical Code, and the review of flow tests, as well as have a familiarity with site electrical distribution and sprinkler design.

The project included removing the diesel fire pump at Warren Hall and reconfiguring the sprinkler system in order to serve that building from the existing electric fire pump at Mann Library. Standpipe and riser flow tests were required so that our firm could complete the hydraulic calculations for both buildings to determine the available water flow and pressure – and then confirm that the pump could be removed.  

Robert Marshall, PE, WELL AP
Robert Marshall, PE, WELL AP
 (585) 427-8888 x 1045