
Engineering Project Case Studies | Erdman Anthony

Intersection and Corridor Improvements


The project involves the reconstruction and widening from two lanes to four lanes of three miles of PA 228 and over half a mile of Three Degree Road. The central design challenge involved channelizing traffic in an area with increasing development while maintaining access to a high school campus, commercial properties, and residences along PA 228.

Erdman Anthony led design for this complex highway improvement project.


After analyzing traffic conditions, the design team took an approach that entailed constructing four township service roads and three jughandles to channelize traffic flow and provide access to roadside properties, in addition to realigning the PA 228/Three Degree Road intersection.

New curbside amenities at the site include two sections of sidewalk totaling 2,600 feet and a multiuse path between the high school and its football stadium that crosses PA 228 at Three Degree Road. The design also includes one roundabout on Three Degree Road and a mini roundabout along PA 228 that provides access to private property. 

Key design tasks included:

  • Environmental studies documentation to minimize impacts and obtain clearances
  • Complex stormwater management involving multiple underground drainage systems
  • Staged maintenance and protection of traffic
  • Traffic signal design


The completed project will improve traffic safety and reduce congestion while providing safter options for pedestrians.

Throughout the project, our team coordinated extensively with utility owners regarding multiple relocations, as well as with school district, business, and municipality representatives.


Robert Leonard, PE
Robert Leonard, PE
 717-766-1741 x 5006