
Engineering Project Case Studies | Erdman Anthony

Site and Infrastructure Design

The Monroe County Department of Environmental Services observed that pedestrians and bicyclists at the site, which is adjacent to Durand Eastman Beach and Park on Lake Ontario, were forced to use road shoulders on rolling terrain that had sharp turns.

The agency selected Erdman Anthony to design a 4.7-mile multiuse trail to connect Irondequoit's three major water features: the Genesee River, Lake Ontario, and Irondequoit Bay.

The new 13-foot-wide asphalt trail, which was once a trolley bed, provides safer conditions for pedestrians and bicyclists enjoying the park. Key issues that the addressed included:
•    Right-of-way acquisition
•    Environmental issues such as wetlands, floodplains, and historic structures and sites
•    Drainage issues
•    Structural concerns
•    Opportunities for views and vistas
•    Defensible space issues

The trail’s boardwalk through the woods and across the wetland met all federal regulations for minimizing environmental impact while providing improved safety. Adding high-visibility crosswalks and signs identifying the trail also figured into this project. 

Our firm followed guidelines in the waterfront revitalization programs of the City of Rochester and the Town of Irondequoit to comply with the New York State Coastal Management Program’s regulations. Our firm also played a key role in the town’s public participation meetings and worked with the State Department of Environmental Conservation and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers to obtain wetland permits for the project.
This project met the expectations of officials from Monroe County, the Town of Irondequoit, and the City of Rochester by addressing issues related to conservation, recreation, and safety.

Sustainable Design Impact

The trail minimized the impact to the existing wetland, connecting to City of Rochester and Town of Irondequoit sidewalk networks and encouraging the use of alternative transportation modes.


Award icon
2007 Transportation Project of the Year < $2 Million
American Public Works Association (APWA), New York Chapter
Award icon
2007 Transportation Project of the Year < $2 Million
American Public Works Association (APWA), Genesee Valley Branch
Paul Presutti, PE, PTOE
Paul Presutti, PE, PTOE
 585-427-8888 x 1093