
Engineering Project Case Studies | Erdman Anthony

Site Design and Construction Inspection

The Erie County Water Authority (EWCA) owns and operates the Sturgeon Point Treatment Plant as a source of fresh water for thousands of residents of southern Erie County. During the construction of the original plant, a tributary stream out-letting to Lake Erie was diverted into a 48-inch storm sewer running approximately 1,000 feet through and below the central part of the plant.

The condition of the pipe, especially at its end sections, had deteriorated and needed replacement. Since the pipe ran under the main treatment plant, its replacement would be impossible.

Erdman Anthony was selected to review the drainage through this pipe and throughout the 90+ acre facility and provide site design. Our firm also provided extensive engineering during construction and full-time on-site construction inspection for the duration of the project.

The final project included:

  • The reconstruction of over 3,000 feet of open drainage channel, excavation, and grading.
  • The creation of over 700 feet of new open drainage channel, removal of existing trees, excavation of test pits to verify existing utility locations, modification of existing utilities, removal of a large existing driveway culvert and concrete headwall, and installation of new storm drainage.
  • The installation of new twin 48-inch CMP culverts, including the complete excavation for new culvert pipes, installation of the new culverts, and restoration of the adjacent landscape areas.
  • Entrance road and control building paving as well as full reconstruction of the half mile-long entrance roadway.
  • Extensive power-system modifications, relocation of existing CCTV cameras and installing new fiber optics for the system. 
  • Adjusting numerous rim and grate elevations.

Drainage channel construction included the installation of temporary erosion and sediment controls and the creation of stabilized grassed waterway sections.

Since this drainage system outlets directly into Lake Erie, extensive permits and coordination were required with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and New York State Department of Environmental Conservation. All the drainage work was designed in accordance with the USACE NWP Construction Best Management Practices requirements for nationwide permits. Furthermore, a Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan was implemented in accordance with the NYSDEC SPDES General Permit for Stormwater Discharges from Construction Activities.

The construction was completed on time and under budget and has resulted in a smoothly operating, efficient site-drainage system.

Daniel Ziemianski, PE
Daniel Ziemianski, PE
 716-631-1241 x 1103